What is “aquatic physical therapy”?
Aquatic Physical Therapy or “Aquatherapy” is the evidence-based and skilled practice of physical therapy in an aquatic environment by a physical therapist. It includes but is not limited to treatment, rehabilitation, prevention, health, wellness and fitness of patient populations.
The buoyancy, support, accommodating resistance and other unique properties of water enhance interventions for patients with musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiovascular and integumentary disease, disorders or conditions.
What is the Aquatherapy Program designed to improve or maintain?
Aerobic capacity/endurance conditioning
Balance, coordination and agility
Muscle strength, power and endurance
Postural stabilization
Body mechanics
Gait & locomotion
How does “aquatic physical therapy” and “aquatic exercise” differ?
The difference is that aquatic physical therapy requires the “skilled service” of a physical therapist.
The clinical reasoning & decision making skills of a PT
The patient has impairments which can be minimized or eliminated with aquatic physical therapy
The patient has potential for reaching new functional goals/outcomes to improve quality of life and back-to-work
For questions on how to refer a patient to PT Hawaii’s Aquatherapy program please call 680-9123 or visit our website @ www.pthawaii.com
Gets an Upgrade…………
Recently refurbished and converted to salt water, the Aquatherapy™ pool at PT Hawaii-Waipahu can expand the depth and scope of a clinician’s treatment options. Since the goals for aquatic therapy are similar to land-based therapy, the program is designed to improve the recovery outcomes for those with complicated injuries received as a result of work, automobile or sports related accidents.
Our new salt water solar heated pool offers health benefits superior to chlorine and can increase patient compliance and outcomes for the following reasons:
Salt is softer on skin, hair and eyes than chlorine
No red irritated eyes
No itchy, irritated skin or dermatitides
More suitable for asthma and allergy sufferers.
Aquatherapy™ combines the best of three key rehabilitation parameters-stretching, strengthening and conditioning-all in a warm environment where your patients can Get Wet! Get Well!